April 2022. After walking in to pick up a brochure I ended up with a Saturday job. A chain of events that I'm very glad happened.
I'm gaining valuable work experience that I missed during the lockdown and also gaining an insight into a type of business that carries with it many transferable skills, which will help to give me an edge and a head start in my life.
Singapore. I've never travelled outside of Europe before so I would love to experienced different cultures and also visit an amazing city where there are plenty of things to do; from the botanical gardens to the cloud forest; to bustling shops and delectable eateries. I know it's worth it as I've been recommended by my Uncle and a good friend, both of which I'm majorly jealous of and I don't want to be missing out.
The Maldives. From when my parents first recounted their honeymoon to me, the white sands and isolated luxury of the Maldives has always captivated me. They never fail to brighten my day when stuck in math's I can dream myself off to a lovely island spa, or a dip in lagoon with black tips, cruising through shoals of tropical fish, to relaxing in a hammock and watching the sun sink below the azure main. With a biology teacher who used to work in the Maldives as well it's almost like they're following me. All that and more is why the Maldives are definitely my dream holiday destination.
Trips to Cromer. I'm a big supporter of the RNLI and a couple of nights in Cromer when I was younger was what started that passion. Not only is it a lovely seaside town, but they are famous all across England for their seafood, especially their crab and the beach is amazing as well. the RNLI station is always worth a visit and the pier still has a working theatre at the end with shows that I would definitely recommend. The Henry Blogg museum is also in Cromer, which for me was always a highlight of any visit and just round the corner from the Red Lion Hotel which is where we always stayed. After begging my parents to go again it soon became a regular weekend away and we ended up going so many times we got to know the staff of the hotel quite well. Cromer is definitely a highlight of my childhood and will be for years to come, even if we don't go as often now.
Books, swim shorts and probably the brochure. I love my books and on long journeys, as I don't get travel sick, they can while away the hours if I feel like it and it always comes in handy to have for any airport waiting rooms. Swim shorts are always a must as for me a holiday isn't a holiday if you cant have a dip in a pool, or the sea at least once. The brochure is just for personal enjoyment. I don't write reviews or compare where else I could have gone but flicking through the pictures before we get there is always a sure fire way to increase the excitement and anticipation to breaking point, so that when we do finally get there it's even more amazing than it was going to be.
1) Pre-pack as much as you can. There's nothing worse than coming home from a long day at work and then having to trawl through outfit after outfit, or spend years trying to find where you left the sunscreen just hours before your meant to be leaving.
2) Do nothing. Sometimes everything can seem a bit hectic as you try and cram every experience possible into your trip whilst you want to get your moneys worth. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all. Just simply sit back in your deck chair, or find a nice café to just sit snoozing or admiring the view. it will help you unwind and get more out of your experience as you actually have the time to take it all in.
3) Plan with flexibility. Not every trip is going to be smooth sailing despite our best efforts, but if you have flexibility in how you travel and what you're going to do, rather than a disaster, your holiday could end up with you discovering something entirely new that you never would have experienced otherwise.