I started as cabin crew in 2003 and did this role for 5 years. I am married to an airline pilot and lived in Middle East for over 7 years and travelled a lot during that time. I started working for Fred. Olsen Travel on 9th April 2024.
Seeing the mulitude of amazing places there are to visit in the world and getting to know about all the varying exciting adventures and experiences people can have. Hearing stories about what people have already done and helping people to choose what they might like to do next.
I would like to do a train ride through the Rockies and Canada. Having seen various TV programmes on these places, I want to see the stunning vistas with my own eyes.
I would like to go to the South Pacific and visit Islands like Fiji, Bora Bora, Cook Islands, etc.... because it looks such a romantic and beautiful place to visit and I'd like to wear a grass skirt.
Passport, credit card and my glasses.
1) Roll up your clothes so they don't crease so much.
2) Coordinate your clothing, so you can mix and match the outfits, and therefore not have to pack too much.
3) Make sure you have enough credit on your credit card so you can buy more clothes if required.