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Hannah Jacobsen
Trainee Travel Consultant

When did you start working in the travel industry?

I started working in travel in May 2024.

What is your favourite thing about your job?

One of my favorite things about my job is getting to tell people about the hidden gems I've come across on my travels and hopefully inspire them to wanna visit there to. I also like to see the wide variety of tastes of each customer and see where their favourite destinations are.

Where would you like to visit next?

My next destination would have to be Greece. I love everything about Greece. the culture, the views, the food and definitely Mamma Mia. I am a die hard Mamma Mia fan and am waiting to live the dream of singing all the ABBA music in Greece. Santorini is one of the top islands I want to go to. If I could move there I would.

What is your dream holiday destination?

Tokyo. The culture in Tokyo is truly dream like. The electric atmosphere is like nothing i could imagine. The whole city just looks alive and its something i would dream to experience. I do love my cars so to experience a car meet in their underground garages would be a dream.

What has been your favourite holiday, which you have booked for a customer, that you would love to take yourself?

Mauritius. I have no words for this country other than LUSH!

What were your childhood holidays like?

I was always a sucker for camping holidays. The endless laughs I've had, countless wrong turns, it just never gets old. Every year they just keep getting better. Having the privilege to be surrounded by my family is truly a blessing on these trips, it always brings us closer together as a family.

What are the first three things in your case?

Bikini - wherever I'm going you can guarantee it i will find a pool. Sunglasses - no outfit is ever complete without and a good pair of sunnies. Phone - got to make sure to capture the memories and of course make others a little jealous.


's Top Tips

1) Always keep a plug adaptor in your hand luggage. You never know when you might be in serious need of it.

2) Make a little list of all the things you need to take and things you can't forget to make it a more calm experience instead of having to panic last minute.

3) Pack food in your bag. Ever want a snack? No dramas, there's one in your bag.


's Cruise Tips

1) Always bring some dressy outfits. There is always a night that you will be asked to dress up for the evening. So don't forget those heels!

2) Always choose the right itinerary for you. Make sure that there are places that you want to go and places to explore. This is your holiday, do the most you can in the short time you have.

3) Keep your phone in airplane mode. I can't tell you the amount of money I have lost because I have forgotten I am travelling into so many different countries.

My Favourite Memory

Picking a favorite is definitely hard. I would say one of my top destinations has to be Turkey. The beautiful crystal blue waters and the white sands are absolutely LUSH. The culture is amazing and the people are lovely. All around amazing destination there is things to do for everyone.


