Around 1990 ish. I spent my summers in Ibiza and winters in the Austrian Tyrol as a travel rep.
My passion in life is helping people and making a difference to peoples lives on a daily basis. What better way to achieve these goals than by working as a travel consultant and help customers create those once in a lifetime memories.
Canada and Vancouver Island. I want to spend more time with whales. Nothing beats being on a small boat in a remote wilderness inlet, the captain turns off the engine and the only sound you can hear is the whales blowing when they come up for air. It is a very spiritual and amazing experience. I would also like to see brown bears fishing for salmon before they hibernate.
Antarctica on an expedition ship. I love the idea of exploring the ice sheets and walking with king penguins in the snowy wilderness.
They were lots of fun and normally included lots of sand. Does “Baby crying in chalet 25” bring back any memories? We were very lucky and also went to Majorca from an early age.
Passport, tablet or computer and a detailed itinerary with all the wonderful places and things I am going to see on this trip.
1) I always carry a photocopy of my passport. If anything unforeseen happens it comes in very useful.
2) Check if any visas are required and expiry dates of your passport against the countries entry regulations.
3) Watch the packing tips video from Marie Kondo
1) If any of your party suffer from motion sickness draw a cross on the ships deck plan. At the centre of the cross is where you should choose your cabins location (roughly). Also take some ginger biscuits and ginger tea with you.
2) Decide if it is the ship or the destination / itinerary the reason you are booking the cruise. Once you have decided on this then we can find you the best option or match.
3) Sea days on a cruise should be cherished. I like cruises that have lots of ports but also sea days to relax and enjoy the ship.